"Over Qualified" - why you should challenge your thinking!

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"Over qualified"

"Too senior"

"Not the right culture fit"

"Too much experience"

"You'd get bored"

Yes, you guessed it. All the indirect ways that employers say 'You're too old'! Quite apart from the fact that discrimination on the basis of age is a breach of the Equality Act of 2010, it's a very short-sighted approach. Companies love to flag-wave their diversity and inclusion credentials but quietly look the other when it comes to considering older candidates. Here are some compelling reasons to challenge that thinking;

Older candidates bring breadth and balance to team structure and can positively influence the overall work culture.

They are often more adept at handling conflict, effective in challenging others' thinking, considered in their decision-making and take a creative approach to solving problems.

Typically, older candidates have a strong work ethic and can act as great role models for younger team members.

They tend to be more resilient, less emotional and less likely to act impulsively, bringing stability to the team.

Far from becoming bored with work that is well within their capability, older employees tend to take pride in the role and enjoy making a valuable contribution.

They're not looking to climb the career ladder, trampling on colleagues as they go, and are less likely to leave at the first sniff of a bigger, shinier job.

Candidates with breadth and depth of experience built up over a longer career can be exceptional value for money and are frequently more loyal and committed

Are you a senior candidate getting the knock-back when you apply for roles? A talent or hiring manager looking to develop a truly diverse team? Get in touch for a confidential conversation with one of our experienced consultants.